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How I came to be Filthy Fran...
Believe it or not, I used to be a Spotless Suzie! I know, it's shocking! But, TRUE! I was a stay at home Mom with two small sons. My home was always tidy. I never feared unexpected guests. There were always clean socks and spoons. I washed the insides and outsides of my cabinets, mopped my kitchen everyday, and dusted before necessary!

What changed?
Baby Boy # 3, that's what!! That kid was out to get me from day one! He spent hours a day screaming. I spent all my time trying to calm him and didn't get a thing done! I was tired. I was in pain! I had a screaming baby who didn't care if his brothers had clean cups to drink out of! That's when it started.
As time progressed, the demands progressed. The other boys had activities they had to be taken to. They wanted Mommy to read and play legos with them. The Devil Baby screamed on and learned to walk! Now, he drags out everything and never puts anything back!
Not to mention, we got a computer! Who in their right mind would spend their time washing sheets when they could be on-line? Then, there is the "volunteer" work. You know all those things you say yes to when someone needs something!
Oh well, the point is, I spend my time on more important things now.

Do I miss being a Spotless Suzie?
NO! I don't miss being a Spotless Suzy.
I enjoy my life now. I don't waste all my free time trying to live up to unrealistic goals. Why would I want to go back to trying to make my home look worthy enough to be featured in a magazine, when that simply would never happen!
Sure, I miss clean towels. I wish this place was presentable. I would love to know where my slippers are. I just don't want to spend the time, effort, and energy in doing these things. Besides, I do not have the time or energy even if I decided to try!

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Living with FHS

Living with Filthy House Syndrome is rough at first. You feel guilty. I even felt like a failure because my mirrors didn't sparkle. I was quite ashamed of myself!

As time went by, the house got dirtier and dirtier. I finally realized that I had to accept my new condition. I have an incurable disease. It is not my fault. Once I had this epiphany, I learned to cope (and cope well!).

The first thing I did to help my situation was to encourage vistors to phone before dropping by! You can't just have people popping in when you have FHS.
You need a good thirty minutes notice to pick up the big chunks!

I started stuffing the washer fuller when I finally did the laundry. I know they say that over-stuffing the washer will break it; but, I would rather buy a new washer then spend more time doing laundry! You can see that I have my priorities straight!

I finally made the other people that live here help out! I had been doing it all by myself and it was time for that to end. Even if your family already helps, you can always find a little more for them to do.

I decided to give up on clean closets and organized dresser drawers. I can live without washing windows in the Spring. I just want to walk across the kitchen floor and not stick to it. You have to let go of those ridiculously high standards.

The key to my surviving and accepting my FHS was support! I made new friends who all have filthy houses too! I can't tell you how much I love these new friends!! It is so great to have friends that can relate to chaos and messiness. We just talk and laugh for hours about what terrible housekeepers we are. There are probably many people in your circle now that are having the same problem as you, but are too ashamed to admit to it. If you made the first move and confessed that you struggle with keeping up in household chores, you might just find a best friend for life that totally sympathizes and understands.

A sense of humor is absolutely required to be able to live through FHS. If you can laugh at your circumstances, others will laugh instead of criticize (except for your mother-in-law). Give your house a nick name. I like to call mine "THE PITT" (as in: "this place is a pit"). When company comes, tell them you would clean the house but the county judge has court ordered you not to. Here at my place, we have this running joke. Every day we wake up and say that if the maid doesn't show up for work today that she is fired! (There is no maid. GET IT?) You'll find joking about FHS to be invaluable.

Make life easier for yourself. Use more paper plates. Cook easier meals. Make the kids sweep. Keep the big chunks up and don't think about the rest! Laugh instead of cry. Most of all, make friends with SLOBS!

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